Bunnys On Flowvella

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Pros: Working off an iPad can sometimes create a scenario where accepting a reduced level of performance and/or features is commonplace, however that is simply not the case with FlowVella. From beginning to end, creating presentations is intuitive and fun. Once created, the ability to have them ready to go on any device through their cloud-based system provides the flexibility necessary to adapt to a multitude of presenting venues and scenarios. On top of that, the development team is always adding additional features and capabilities. Support is fantastic as well.


Cons: I would love to see a Windows-based version as I only utilize iOS mobile products, however it is not necessary and I've never found I couldn't figure out how to do something on the tablet/phone. Overall: I've been able to consolidate all of my presentations into one place, where I can then access them from almost any device through their cloud-based system for presenting on the road. The beauty of this in a sales-based role is that I am always ready to deliver a presentation as long as I have my tablet or phone with me. If necessary, I can even provide a web link to a client for them to review the presentation afterwards without providing them with a hard copy that could end up in a competitor's hands.

This has been extremely beneficial! Pros: Its super simple to use and is so versatile. I can drag and drop images from any of my files folders and even the web. I've used and tested several presentation tools in the past and none come close to what FlowVella can offer. Cons: no complaints. I use FlowVella everyday and never have any issues. It is a smooth operations no lag or drag delays.

Overall: We use FlowVella for in-home presentations. Very few in our industry do offer a quality presentation. The few that do, use a pitch book that is full of black and white pictures & articles that are out dated. With FlowVella we have separated ourselves from the completion by offering high quality images, articles & videos that are interactive.

Bunnys On FlowvellaBunnies on flowvella

FlowVella is a MUST HAVE APP FOR ANY SALES PRFESSIONAL. Pros: As a building products manufacturer. We have sales managers spread across North America, so the fact that I can share new and updated Flows with them is great. Being able to offer my team customized presentations for their geographic region that are sleek and eye-catching makes us look professional and polished. Sharing right from the Flow is key too. The fact that we can email resources to our customer directly gives them confidence that, as a potential supplier, we are prepared and responsive.

Bunnies On Flowvella

Overall: As with any company, the development of new functionality is an ongoing process and there are a couple of additional features that I would love to see. That said, the folks at FlowVella actually listen to these wish lists and have already implemented new functionality as a direct result of our suggestions. I know that the others will follow and I'm confident that with each passing year this software will just get stronger and stronger.