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  1. Freeze Rat Download In Description Free Rat For Mac Free

Because a RAT enables administrative control, it makes it possible for the intruder to do just about anything on the targeted computer, including:. Monitoring user behavior through or other spyware. Accessing confidential information, such as credit card and social security numbers. Activating a system's webcam and recording video. Taking screenshots.

Distributing viruses and other malware. Formatting drives.

Freeze Rat Download In Description Free Rat For Mac Free


Deleting, downloading or altering files and file systems. The rootkit is one of the best known examples of a RAT. A hacker group known as the Cult of the Dead Cow created Back Orifice to expose the security deficiencies of Microsoft's Windows operating systems. RATs can be difficult to detect because they usually don't show up in lists of running programs or tasks.

The actions they perform can be similar to those of legitimate programs. Furthermore, an intruder will often manage the level of resource use so that a drop in performance doesn't alert the user that something's amiss. To protect your system from RATs, follow the same procedures you use to prevent other malware infections: Keep antivirus software up to date and refrain from downloading programs or opening attachments that aren't from a trusted source. At the administrative level, it's always a good idea to block unused ports, turn off unused services and monitor outgoing traffic. RAT also stands for remote administration tool.

Learn More About IT: Roger A. Grimes wrote a comprehensive guide on how to Ed Hurley explains why.