Introducing Pow, A Zero-configuration Rack Server For Mac

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  1. Introducing Pow A Zero-configuration Rack Server For Mac
  2. Introducing Pow A Zero-configuration Rack Server For Mac Free
  3. Introducing Pow A Zero-configuration Rack Server For Mac Download

Developer mode is removed and no longer supported as of. The New Relic Ruby agent includes Developer mode, a built-in user interface for examining details about web transactions in your application. With Developer mode, you can examine the library and database calls made by the controller actions as they are invoked on the Rails instance. The free Developer mode gives you some of the same in-depth transaction visibility you get with New Relic's feature. However, it works only in a single Rails instance, and it has much higher overhead than the production version. It is not recommended for use beyond a developer's desktop sandbox. Security considerations The Ruby agent's Developer mode, which is on by default when the RAILSENV 'development', does not communicate with the New Relic collector in any way.

Developer mode is not supported from Pow, a zero-config Rack server for Mac OS X. Using Developer mode If you run your application on your desktop using thin, WEBrick, or something similar, open the URL /newrelic on your server to see the Developer mode user interface. 类似的解决方案有 pow - Mac OS X 上的零配置 Rake Server. Pow - Zero-configuration Rack server for Mac OS X; Serving Apps Locally with Nginx and Pretty Domains Using Dnsmasq for local development on OS X; Monday, Sep 19th, 2016 in #nginx #shell. Theme nico-minimal. Zero-config through Pow Anvil uses because it's a highly opinionated, powerful and streamlined way to serve up local sites. Wildcard DNS using New With support Anvil can make your local URL available on any devices connected on your network.

Pie charts are rendered using Google Charts, which involves an HTTP post of aggregate data. The Ruby agent's Production mode, which is on by default when the RAILSENV 'production' and RAILSENV 'staging', does communicate with the New Relic site. For more information, see. Installation To install Developer mode, as a plugin or gem. You may also need to set to true in your newrelic.yml for the RAILSENV in which you are working. Developer mode is on by default only when RAILSENV = development. While a newrelic.yml file will be created as part of the installation, it is not necessary to have a valid.

Known issues Known issues with Developer mode include: Requires Rails 2.3 or higher Developer mode in recent agents only works on Rails 2.3 or higher. It is rack based, and earlier versions of the framework did not incorporate rack. The developer edition installs a middleware in your app that responds to any URL prepended with /newrelic; for example, /newrelic, /newrelic/files/images/foo.png, etc.

In some cases the /newrelic URL gets captured by an earlier middleware. In this situation, disable the Developer mode route and include the middleware yourself: At the beginning of the file, in require 'newrelicrpm' require 'newrelic/rack/developermode' use NewRelic::Rack::DeveloperMode Incompatible with Pow Developer mode is not supported from, a zero-config Rack server for Mac OS X. Using Developer mode If you run your application on your desktop using thin, WEBrick, or something similar, open the URL /newrelic on your server to see the Developer mode user interface.

Developer Mode Breakdown Chart Troubleshooting Troubleshooting tips for Developer mode: Disappearing requests If you have this problem with Unicorn or other multi-worker dispatchers, try limiting the number of workers to 1. Undefined method path for Rack::Request Some users may see an undefined method path for #. If you are using Rails version 2.3.2, then you are mostly likely running into a problem with the way the Rack dependency was defined in the Rails package. Either upgrade to 2.3.3 (or higher), or define Rack version 1.0.1 as a dependency in your Gemfile.

ActiveRecord reloads Developer mode reloads ActiveRecord method definitions for every reload and reports the time spent defining the methods (such as defineattributemethod). This does not happen in production. Download iskysoft dvd to apple tv suite for mac. To get real results to compare, add the following to the development environment: config.cacheclasses = true For more help.

This is a great web page, but I think it's borderline irresponsible to keep using this gimmick: curl sh for installation. Yes, it's easy and slick. Yes, you'd have to read the code itself to make sure Pow didn't own your machine up after a secure install. Yes, you can just read the shell script. But 0.0001% of people playing with Pow will do that. Why make things easier for attackers at all? This is an idea that I think started with Ximian back in 2000 and I think we're ready for it to die.

It'd be neat if the authors of Pow were cool enough to strike it from their (otherwise amazing) front page. (I'd also be happier if the thread where the guy explains how Pow works and what it's components are were voted higher than this comment.).

Why is this bad? I get why it seems offensive, but how is running a random shell script from some host any different than running some random software downloaded and installed from the same host? Anything malicious that the shell script could do could also be done by the software itself once installed, no?

Introducing Pow A Zero-configuration Rack Server For Mac

If they're from the same official source, why should one be considered more trustworthy than the other? EDIT: Okay, I see it's because of the use of sudo. But graphical installers often require the root/administrator password, and could be equally destructive. The scenario isn't that I send you something different, but that somebody else gets in between us and tampers with the data. That's what https tries to avoid.

We're arguing levels of badness here so it's a little hokey. But if you decide to open up your machine to run arbitrary code, a machine that can run shell will arguably get more infections than one that runs executables. To infect the ladder any script kiddies will need to know a 'harder' language and at least how to compile it. It's a couple more hoops to jump through. In the other case I could drive by and do scp /mailbox me@myserver. As another HN reader who does security for a living, perhaps I can add some specific points. (I know this thread is probably dead given that it is 1 day old, but I access this site via HN Daily now so bear with me.).

No transport security. As many people mention, at least adding HTTPS would help with this.

However, most non-browser SSL clients (wget, curl) don't include any root certs by default so even switching to SSL would not help this method. Firesheep, sslstrip, etc.

Introducing Pow A Zero-configuration Rack Server For Mac Free

Automatically generate a self-signed cert which would look no different to wget than a real cert. No persistence. If you download any installer package once and then reuse it on multiple machines, you get the benefit of knowing that the same code was installed on each machine (good or bad). With this method, users may catch the site in the middle of an update and get multiple versions of the package. No authentication. Even with SSL, you only get strong transport security. You would know strongly that '' sent you some code, but not how that code got put on the server.

With package-signing, typically done on the developer's end system, you know that it was protected even before it was uploaded to some site. Easier to trojan than binaries. Inserting a few extra shell commands in a single HTTP(S) session (say, targeting a single client IP) is much easier than building a custom binary package. Consider how hard it is to even compile Firefox with all the dependencies. Now do that work and insert a trojan and upload a separate 10 MB binary that needs to be stored somewhere on the server while waiting for that one client to visit the site.

Compare this to keeping a two-line patch to a shell script (easily done in RAM, maybe even by hotpatch). Trains users that all the above is ok since the popularity of this ' sh' install method is relatively new. (Yes, I know about shar scripts in the past but those ended by 1996 or so with the advent of real package managers).

It is absolutely impossible to retrofit ' sh' to be secure, whereas it is definitely feasible to add package signature verification support to gem or yum or apt or whatever (in fact, all those already support it). The fact that many installers aren't signed today is not an ok to drive this process back to the 80's. We should be moving toward the future when package signing is a required part of being a software developer. Well build tools to make this easier! You simply create a symlink to your app, and boom, the app works at Even after a system restart.

And pow is clever enough to only start workers if the app is accessed and shut them down when idle. This is a blessing if you usually need multiple local apps running. It also means you can now elegantly use local ruby webapps as personal desktop applications. Say you'd like to build a simple journal or expenses app to use on your desktop for personal use. You can now quickly build it with - say - Sinatra, Datamapper and SQLite. And no need to launch or quit it.

Seriously, dude, nobody is out to get you. I'm glad you made Pow. Pow looks awesome. I don't control what gets voted to the top of the page, and I'm probably no happier than you are about the sprawling nerdwar that resulted. Seriously, dude, get over yourself. It's pretty ridiculous how much FUD this project announcement received in here, versus positive focus.

There are multiple other long FUD threads that missed the point of Pow; you only started (and kept throwing fire at) the one that doesn't even touch what the project is about. In fairness to the parent post, it may not always be that simple. I installed, symlinked as you described and am currently looking at a page filled with 'Pow: Error Starting Application'. (Apparently it thinks I don't have Bundler installed. This is likely an issue because of pow + rvm + gemsets + factor x.) The downside of zero configuration is 'What do you do when it doesn't just work?'

(I'm digging around the manual now.) (A quick follow-up: The second app I symlinked in the exact same way does 'Just work', so I don't doubt that there's something odd about my config for the first. Still, no fun to debug.). Not sure what you mean. Passenger supports using various gemsets very easily using the setuploadpaths.rb file in the config of your app (though multiple ruby versions still seem to be a problem).

If you're using passenger, why do you have each app running on a different port? Using the Passenger Prefs Pane makes it trivially easy to have each app at its own appname.local URL (though, admittedly, installing an extra prefs pane, where Pow has it built in, gives bonus points to the latter). Same with my last point. Passenger automatically handles the booting up or apps when you access their URL in the browser, just like Pow does. Of course, I'm guessing you don't have Passenger installed this way if each app has to run on a different port.

I did this and soon my computer was downloading and compiling nginx. When this finished, I got an error and it all failed: '. ERROR: Please install file-tail first: sudo gem install file-tail' So I did and now its supposedly running on Port 3000 except I just get a 403 error when I visit it in my browser. The docs aren't very helpful either.

Update: I apparently missed the line about going to my application's root directory. I still didn't really like all the stuff that got downloaded and compiled on my machine, when all I would like to do is get started developing.

I'm a Phusion Passenger developer. The goal for Phusion Passenger Standalone really is to have the command 'passenger start' Just Work(tm). After installing all required libraries, if it says it's running on port 3000 and it doesn't, then it's either a bug which we are dedicated to fix, or there might be something wrong with your system. The 'file-tail' thing is actually a bug (we should no longer have a requirement on file-tail).

Introducing Pow A Zero-configuration Rack Server For Mac Download

We've already fixed it in git master 3 days ago and the fix will be released very soon. Can you give me some more details about the 403 error? Do you see anything in the console or in the browser window that tells you more about the error? I can't comment on how Phusion Passenger Standalone differs from Pow because I've never used Pow. However I can tell you what Phusion Passenger Standalone's benefits are: 1. Phusion Passenger is currently the most popular production server for Ruby web apps (see and the last NewRelic survey).

Phusion Passenger Standalone is practically the same as Phusion Passenger for Nginx. It's a good thing to have the development environment match the production environment as much as possible. Phusion Passenger actually comes in 3 editions: Phusion Passenger for Apache (integrates into Apache), Phusion Passenger for Nginx (integrates into Nginx) and Phusion Passenger Standalone (can run by itself, does not require an external web server). Because Standalone is based on an Nginx core it's even fit for production. According to the Pow website it uses Nack, which according to its website is not ready for production. If 'passenger start' works for you locally then you can run the same thing in production. No need to learn how Apache and Nginx works.

There are other things as well, but I have to go in a few minutes. Feel free to ask me more questions if you like.

The majority of the OS X -specific aspects have to do with how it launches (launchd.plist files) and how it automagically domains (using /etc/resolver - see: ) Substituting launchd is easily done with any process launcher of your choice. As for TLD trick - that's a little harder, as OS X 10.6 has support for flat files inside /etc/resolver/. which the name of the file indicates what configuration/settings to use when resolving that domain.

Introducing Pow, A Zero-configuration Rack Server For Mac

As such, they just drop a file named 'dev' in there and tell it to look to localhost on a custom port for DNS resolution. Then they run a mini DNS server on that port to domains to localhost. Probably the only way to do something similar to this for linux would be to run a name server of your own on your box and add a custom zone configuration for TLD and recursive lookup for anything else.