Paws For Trello: Native(ish Client For Mac

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Paws for Trello is a beautiful Trello client. It brings Trello to your desktop with native notifications, powerful shortcuts, and more – away from the distractions of your browser. It brings Trello to your desktop with native notifications, powerful shortcuts, and more –.

I knew I would have to make some adjustments in my cooking method going from stone to steel and was prepared to throw a pizza or two away but the first one came out decent. The steel out performed the stone by a lot. They surface temperature of the steel at launch was 710f.

The total bake time was 6 minutes. This evening I might try to hit 800f to shorten the bake time even more.

I also did not have to transfer the pizza from the screen to the stone mid-bake, which has caused me to lose several pizzas over the years, may they rest in peace. Tonight I will engage the broiler at about the 4.5 minute mark to cook the cheese more. I did not get enough caramelization which is part of that magical taste that is a necessity. The verdict: why didn't I get steel years ago? Another venezuelan here. Let me first say, you're insane. However, the world is full of insane people that have the greatest stories.

I agree with what ven28 already mentioned. Don't worry too much about the election if you aren't going to be in Caracas.

I mean, the shit is going to hit the fan, so keep an eye out, some canned food and do let the Canada embassy know where you live. Margarita is a great choice. It's probably the most tourist/foreigner friendly part of Venezuela. However, be aware that the island that used to be so safe it didn't even have a jail, has joined the rest of the country in crime levels. No kidnappings and such, but take a nice camera for a walk and you will probably need to hand it over. I'm pretty sure you could get an informal job helping out with tourists. If you really want the full experience —and want a press pass— keep saying: I highly doubt Chavez will 'lose':p And say you're filming a documentary about the revolution.;) I live in Caracas and I'm leaving venezuela in a few weeks, but do PM me if you have any questions.

First, love the clean/spacey look and layout. Thoughts:. Show the time: i.e. CURRENT X TECH NEWS, RANKED for 18:38 Monday (EST): Since the headlines don't show it, this helps give reference these are news items relevant right now.

Personally I mentally arrange columns vertically, so I get lost reading (1,3,5 oh wait, 2,3,5 dammit!). But I guess this is anecdotal and not evidence. Bigger rank numbers. It could help with the above and highlight the main benefit of the site. Better titles.

Assuming these are being generated by the algorithm, then maybe you should try to grab stuff from twitter; which would help providing with short but relevant titles. Chavez raised some important issues when he came to power. The problem is that he hasn't done anything to address them. But when the price Government's main source of income goes up 600% since you take power, it's difficult for the model to appear broken. Sadly, the Venezuelan socialist experiment is going to collapse eventually. Not because of a foreign power conspiring to stop the revolution. But because Chavez is using the chicken that laid golden eggs (State Oil Company) for public expending.

We can argue if this is fair or not, but in the end, you need to reinvest a lot of money to maintain your oil production (which continues to fall ).

I know it's been a while, but I'm the main developer of the app and for anyone still wondering I thought I'd clarify how Paws works and a bit about our privacy. Paws for Trello loads for majority of its functionality. We make styling adjustments to but never access or store any of your personal data. Your connection to is encrypted with the same HTTPS standard as it would be if you were using it on the browser. In the background Paws will occasionally make requests to Trello API servers to check for your starred boards and notifications. This data is only stored locally on your computer.

Paws For Trello Native(ish Client For Mac)

Paws for trello native(ssh client for mac

Most importantly: unlike most apps, we do not store or process any personal or usage data. That means that, we have no idea of how and if you’re using the app. Because we aim to keep this a small project, we haven’t built any analytics or data tools to track user behaviour, which nowadays is a standard. Many users have verified this by using network metering tools that check how apps access internet.

I just recently bought the newest kindle voyage (upgrading from one I had for 5 years) and honestly, I prefer ebooks over print & audiobooks now. This new kindle is just good enough to have enough advantages and extra features over print to mitigate obvious disadvantages, at least for me. I travel most of the year and perspective of picking.